Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crowquill Bill

Some of ya'll may know Bill. I love Bill. He's my crazy psyco killer character who really doesn't know anything but. So, chya, I give him a story line that involves love and exploring feelings. I am a Silent Hill fan after all (if you don't get it, don't worry about it. You really don't want to go there. Biggest nerds ever). Anyways, I'm fond of Bill's story but I don't think it'll fit in with the world so I leave it to my head cause I have no real way of dressing it up gracefully and putting it out in front of an audience. But Bill's character design is still one of my favorites (as simple as it is compared to most characters I have) so I use him in multiple stories. Like the Pitt for example. Or possibly in SaH, hm?

Oh and as promised, no gesture drawings today. Will be back on that wagon tomorrow, sorry ^^

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